About Me

A few years ago one of my good friends shared with me The Bible. No, I am not talking about The Holy Religion Bible, but every high school, college, frat boys’ Bible. What I am referring to is the book, “The Game” written by Neil Strauss. In short, its about a group of men, Pick Up Artists, and how they came to create their underground society. It was a few chapters based upon their experiences, life stories, and rules on how to pick up women. When I read the book I thought to myself, this is the stupidest, yet most brilliant piece of literature on females I have read. Sorry girls, but we are so easy that it only took a good 50 pages to explain how to get us in bed. The good news is that boys are extremely simple and may only take 25. I deciphered all the information and tried to change it around into Girl Pick Up Artist form to the best of my ability. It definitely worked but only to a degree. The saying “men are from mars, and women are from venus” definitely comes into play. All of a sudden, I was wing-woman for all my friends, guys and girls, and helping them pick up people. Going out to places, I would guide people on who to talk with to get the person they are interested in’s attention, what to say, body language, and how to close the deal. It’s all about how you open and close your pick up. Hint: it never really starts with hello. The best was when girls would be prowling and get hit on by the gentleman. Girls would bluntly called them out on reading the book “The Game”. The color of the guys’ cheeks would become brighter then Lindsay Lohan’s red hair. Word started getting around. Friends of friends would be contacting me for just a simple list of guidelines or chat on what to do to get the guy they want and make him stick around. Another word we like to use is “whipped”. My cell phone was ringing, my email was jam packed and all because what I said worked. Lets just say if people were paying for the information I was giving out I’d be chillin with Bill Gates right now.  The proof is in the pudding ladies. I’m not sharing all this with you to get you screwed over, just screwed.

After finishing “The Game” I thought to myself, why isn’t their a Bible for girls? Yes we have Cosmopolitan magazine to get juicy sex advice, and a few books out there such as “Why Men Love Bitches” but where is our Bible that is going to lay out the straight facts? Well, here it is. Be prepared, I am going to share the harsh truth with you. It’s not so much the men thats the problem as it is the woman. Yet, woman always blame them because they don’t realize they have acted extremely clingy, needy, or pushy. You have lost the chase and intrigue. You can have the simplest of all man standing in front of you and your actions can either make him run away, become his random late night booty call, or the best boyfriend you will ever have.

This blog is to guide you into choosing which category you want to be in. There are many girls who are not looking for relationships, just sexual pleasure, yet find themselves stuck with a man who wants a committed relationship. And vice versa. How many of you can relate to a night on the town running into at least one creeper and three douche bags, but never getting to talk to that guy you actually eye fuck across the room? What happens when no strings attached takes a turn and one person develops feelings while the other wants to hit it quit it? Do you have that clingy boy you can’t get rid of because you feel too bad? Or worse, are you that girl who has a collar and leash attached to a boy who acts like you exist only when he’s a) drunk, b) bored, or c) the girl he ACTUALLY wants rejects him. I am a girl in her 20’s here to give you advice, rules, and share my life experiences. Am I some professional therapist? Gosh no. All I know is what I share has worked for many of my friends who came to me looking for help with their love life. I warn you, a lot of things won’t be easy, but trust me it pays off in the end. Gaming is an art, and once you figure out how to upgrade from finger painting to Van Gough your love life will become a lot more fun.

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